Congrats and welcome to the Team!
I'm excited that you decided to take action and improve your financial situation moving forward.
In this course I will go over step by step on how to start and run a successful Amazon store from A-Z, and I won't stop there. I will also teach you how to fully automate your store, so all you have to do is go about your day as your normally would while your financial situation improve's every single day.
I've included a list apps, software, tools, plug-ins, extensions and spread sheets that you will need moving forward. I will also cover how to source profitable products using the tools provided.
We will go over how to set up your inventory and repricing so it's all done automatically. We will pretty much cover everything you need to run a successful amazon store, and it won't stop there as we will constantly add new material and content as they become available.
It's very important to take your time and learn everything In this course. Please take your time going over the instructional videos and tools that we have provided for you in each segment. It's really important that understand each step to insure your business is set up properly. As questions come up please don't hesitate to reach out to me via text, phone call, or setting up a meeting in person. Now that we are business partners I've included my personal phone number and other contact information so you can easily get a hold of me.
Amazon as you all know is currently leading the e-commerce world as they recently passed Wal-Mart as the #1 source for online shopping. Amazon has broken records left and right and it doesn't look like they will slow down anytime soon. Did you know Amazon destroyed records with their most recent prime day. Wow, this all means Amazon is only going to get better.
I forgot to tell you that we now have students including me who are killing it with average monthly sales of $35,000.00 - $50,000.00 per month, not to mention my $250,000.00 months. So what are you waiting for?
I'm excited and I hope you are to, Let's get started. I'll see you soon!